Alt+F11 및 VBE창 금지/ 활성화
2022. 1. 2. 01:03
VBA에 암호를 거는 방법 이외에 VBA접근을 최대한 막는 방법입니다.
물론 최초 실행시에 매크로를 허용해줘야만 합니다.
현재는 Alt-F11 키와 Alt-F8키를 중지시키고
개발도구메뉴를 감춥니다.
Alt-F12를 누르면 다시 활성화합니다. 실제로 사용할 때는 이부분을 삭제해야겠습니다.
Option Explicit
'// Tested Excel2000
'// Run DisableVBE from a Event procedure
'// eg. Workbook_Open or Worksheet_Activate
'// THEN run EnableVBE from the Opp Event procedure
'// eg. Workbook_Close or Worksheet_Deactivate
'// Note:
'// In order to Disable access into the VBA Editor
'// you must Disable ALL references to Access the code
'// eg Macros...dialog,View Code - available via RighClick on Sheet Tab
'// Record New Macro..., and also Design Mode as the User can put the
'// workbook in design mode then select a control & double clcik to
'// view code. Alo you need to Disable the Custom Toolbar List AND
'// the fact that Double clicking ANY area of the commandbars will
'// also give you the Customize Toolbars Option Dialog.
'// The following Routine Takes care of this.
Sub Auto_Open()
End Sub
Private Sub DisableVBE()
Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = False '// Close ALL windows 1st!
CmdControl 30017, False 'Macro
CmdControl 30062, False 'Macro
CmdControl 859, False 'Macro
CmdControl 1695, False '// Visual basics Editor
CmdControl 186, False '// Macros...
CmdControl 184, False '// Record New Macro...
CmdControl 1561, False '// View Code
CmdControl 1605, False '// Design Mode
Application.OnDoubleClick = "Dummy"
CommandBars("ToolBar List").Enabled = False
Application.ShowDevTools = False
Application.OnKey "%{F11}", "Dummy"
Application.OnKey "%{F8}", "Dummy"
'실제로는 아래 줄 삭제
Application.OnKey "%{F12}", "EnableVBE"
End Sub
Private Sub EnableVBE()
CmdControl 30017, True 'Macro
CmdControl 30062, True 'Macro
CmdControl 859, True 'Macro
CmdControl 1695, True '// Visual basics Editor
CmdControl 186, True '// Macros...
CmdControl 184, True '// Record New Macro...
CmdControl 1561, True '// View Code
CmdControl 1605, True '// Design Mode
Application.OnDoubleClick = ""
CommandBars("ToolBar List").Enabled = True
Application.ShowDevTools = True
Application.OnKey "%{F11}"
Application.OnKey "%{F8}"
End Sub
Function CmdControl(Id As Integer, TF As Boolean)
Dim CBar As CommandBar
Dim C As CommandBarControl
On Error Resume Next
For Each CBar In Application.CommandBars
Set C = CBar.FindControl(Id:=Id, recursive:=True)
If Not C Is Nothing Then C.Enabled = TF
End Function
Private Sub listCmdControl()
Dim CBar As CommandBar
Dim C As CommandBarControl
On Error Resume Next
For Each CBar In Application.CommandBars
Debug.Print CBar.Name; CBar.NameLocal
For Each C In CBar.Controls
If InStr(C.Caption, "매크로") Then Debug.Print C.Id; C.Caption; C.DescriptionText
Next C
End Sub
Private Sub Dummy()
'// NoGo, leave blank OR Display a message eg.
MsgBox "Sorry, this command is NOT available", vbCritical
End Sub
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